On the 17th of March, beleire kicked off a new year with a full experience networking event at KBC Brussels. They wanted to brainstorm around ideas for the organisation such as the name, identity, expectations etc. To start the day, people could enjoy a delicious and traditional Irish breakfast. Afterwards, professional storyteller Raf Stevens treated the guests with a very inspirational speech about sharing effective corporate stories, thanks to storytelling. He explained how you can get people on board of your story in 3 stages: story of self, story of us, story of now. He also showed the efficiency of his theory by letting 3 people tell a story in these 3 stages. The effect was extraordinary and people were amazed by the outcome. The event was a great networking opportunity and people made new interesting connections.

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  • Get a discount on open events;
  • Networking opportunities;
  • Free entrance to the St. Patrick’s Day breakfast event.

In short

Date: March 17th 2017
Location: Avenue du Port 2 Havenlaan, 1080 Brussels (KBC building)
Entrance fee: Free for beleire members / € 60,00 (+VAT) as a non-member

Sponsored by

KBC, Enterprise Ireland & Sigmund



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